Sunday, January 2, 2011


                                     Welcome to WFW White Flag Warriors.
                                      We will meet up on & Black ops wii
                               Join & we will pwn on everything
                                         Happy hunting to all warriors.Thx to my big bro for this happening
                                            CBB-Myth aka codmodkid aka Sage
PS: if you want to join the clan email me and put (WFW) at the begenning and end of your online user name like so: (WFW)Cheif(WFW). on clubpenguin I am Mega Halo 3 on I am Sicker12TFW on Black ops i am (WFW)Cheif(WFW) & on territory online (WFW)CHEIF(WFW) THX for ur help alot.pUMP IT UP AND BLOW IT UP